Sunday, November 29, 2015

Cats welcome in my portfolio!

Cats began to appear more often.  
Unexpectedly. Previously they did not exist.
Why I started to draw them? Can anyone explain it to me? :)

Happy cute cat sitting near the lake and enjoys the dragonfly. 
A dragonfly flies out from a small house in the reeds.

By the way, soon there will be more. There should appear a very cute Christmas cats! And not only!

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

How I missed the lower prices on iStock

The fact is that the prices on iStock simplified from 13 September 2014.
The price of any illustration from the Essentials collection now equal to 1 credit.

I haven't downloaded anything new so I missed the moment of transition to the new rules.
Meanwhile those illustrations, which previously was worth up to 12 credits, already sold for 1 credit.

As for me, my lightbox "1 credit illustrations" has lost its original purpose. It was created as a folder with the budget illustrations. Now you can easily put all my portfolio in this lightbox:)
Is it good or not? It is not quite clear.
One thing is clear, any illustration from the Signature collection now costs 3 credits.
I don't have any work in Signature collection:(  It is available for exclusive Istock authors. I don't belong to them, unfortunately.

Well, there's always something to strive for.

Here you can read more about this innovation: Simplified pricing on iStock <= link to the original website